IcePAK is a mobile application focused on vaccine cold chain management in Pakistan. Its goal is to integrate large amounts of data into easily consumable forms, enabling decision makers and managers to allocate resources effectively. High visibility of problem areas and automated allocation recommendations, allows these at risk locations to recognized early and dealt with efficiently.
Coming soon.
Week 1: Introduction to domain and Android.
Week 2: External resource exploration. Workflow/UI prototyping. Schema prototyping.
Week 3 - 4: Primary feature development.
Week 5: Integration. Creation of minimal viable product.
Week 6: Feature freeze. Dedicated testing and bug fixing.
Week 7: Alpha version deployed on site. Work on secondary features begin.
Week 8 - 9: Alpha testing feedback received. Product iterations. Secondary features finalized.
Week 10: Feature freeze. Dedicated testing and bug fixing. Project write-up.
Coming soon. In the meantime, please visit our GitHub repository.
Jennifer Apacible
Computer Science
Brian Donohue
Computer Science
Austin Hedeen
Computer Science
Daniel Luna
Computer Science
Dov Shlachter
Computer Science